Where did 2014 go?! The year sure went by quickly, but it was wonderful spending it with you all! We can’t wait to see what 2015 has in store for the Little Bird community. We’ve already got a couple of exciting things to share for January. Please read on to learn about them and why we have to say good-bye to our lovely Charleen.
Staff Updates
Gah! We hate to tell you that you will no longer see Charleen managing the office Friday afternoons. Alas, it looks like the rigors of grad school (going for not one but two degrees … law and social work!!!) has taken her away from us permanently. If you’re lucky though, you will see her in a chair squeezing in a cozy acunap into her oh so very busy schedule!
The good news is that you will get to see more of Emil as they will be taking over the Friday afternoon shift. Thank you Emil!!! The other good news is that Suzzanne’s husband has been healing slowly but surely and you will get to see more of her again as she will be adding a Thursday morning shift to her schedule. She will start working Thursday mornings from 9am-1pm starting January 15th. Now go on and book your first appointment in 2015! We can’t wait to see you.
Free Acupuncture Treatment Cards for New Patients!
We’re loving all of the referrals you guys have sent our way. In order to help out, we have printed up a batch of Free New Patient Acupuncture Treatment cards that you can hand out to whomever you think would benefit from a cozy acunap this winter. Starting January 2, 2015, there will be a stack of the cards at the front desk. The cards will expire March 31, 2015. Please feel free to grab a few at your next appointment. It will be first come first serve, so when they’re gone … they’re gone!
New Promo Material
In addition to the Free New Patient Acupuncture Treatment cards, we have printed up beautiful cards with cool acupuncture facts and myths! Please take a stack and hand them out to friends, family, office mates, yoga pals, or even at your favorite coffee shop. We are here because of your wonderful referrals and really appreciate your love for us!
Inclement Weather Policy
Winter is here and chances are a snow storm or two is in our future. Suzzanne and Sara both live within walking distance of the clinic, so there is no amount of snow that will get in our way of being able to open the clinic. However, we know that most of you are not so fortunate, so if the buses and Metro are not running due to snow, we will close Little Bird. If we have to close, we will call and email everyone with an appointment to notify them of the closure. We will also post it on Facebook and Twitter and the front page of our website. Your safety and well-being are very important to us. If you are unable to get to Little Bird due to the weather and we are still open, just give us a call at 202-328-1804 and let us know!
Finally, we wanted to let you know that Little Bird delivered 9,746 affordable acupuncture treatments in 2014. This has been our biggest year yet, and we are really hoping to give even more in 2015. Thank you all so very much and we can’t wait to help you with all of your New Year’s resolutions!
Little Bird Staff